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Prevention & Cardiovascular Risk Management

Our speciality

Cardiologists understand how the heart and blood vessels work and what prevents these systems from working properly. We specialize in diagnosis, assessment and treatment of diseases and defects of the cardiovascular system.

In order to make a diagnosis, we use a wide range of tests and screening to help us evaluate your overall heart health and identify any specific cardiovascular conditions.

We can:

• Help you understand what’s causing your symptom(s) or condition(s).

• Develop a custom treatment plan to help you achieve the best quality of life.

• Work to restore, maintain and maximize your heart health.

• Teach you how to manage any chronic symptoms.

Our Team

Our multidisciplinary medical team specializes in patients with heart disease and cardiovascular risk factors. 


Diagnostic testing can be booked with a referral from your Health Care Provider.

Patient-Centered Care

We offer a wide variety of services ensuring assessments and treatments are tailored to meet your individual needs.

Our Services


An echocardiogram (echo) is a test using sound waves (ultrasound) to create pictures of your heart. The images we gather help us determine the cause of your symptoms and also help us calculate if there is any future risk for heart diseases or disorders.

Echocardiogram Preparation:

The echocardiogram procedure requires very little preparation on your part.

  • – Please bring a list of current medications.
  • – Avoid caffeine on the morning of your test (including tea, soft drinks, chocolate, decaffeinated products, etc).
  • – Do not apply lotion or cream to your chest area the day of your test
Heart Monitor

A loop monitor or wireless heart monitor documents abnormal electrical activity of the heart, as it happens, throughout the day.

Unlike a standard monitor that records the patient over a set period of time with analysis occurring after the monitor is returned, a wireless loop monitor records and transmits a patient’s ECG in real-time while it’s being worn. The real-time data is sent to the Canadian Cardiac Monitoring Centre where it is analyzed by a team of doctors and cardiac technicians to be acted upon immediately. The doctor(s) will thoroughly review the recordings in case a threatening situation is imminent.

Heart Monitor Preparation

On the day you’re scheduled to receive your heart monitor, plan for your appointment to take approximately 30 minutes. During this time, you will receive a Baseline 12-lead ECG, this allows us to benchmark for your regular heart rate. Any questions you have about the monitor, how to use it, or about the test will be answered by our medical staff.

The following factors can affect your test results.

  • – Do not apply lotion or cream to your chest area the day of your test
  • – Wear a comfortable two-piece outfit.
  • – If you’re taking medications to help you manage your heart, you may be asked to stop taking them the day before and day of your test
  • – You will be required to fill out a medical history, consent form and equipment loan agreement.
Stress Echocardiogram

A stress echocardiogram (also known as stress echo) is an exercise test used to evaluate the heart using both ECG and ultrasound technology. The patient undergoing a stress echocardiogram is generally walking on a treadmill while being observed for determining:

  • – How well your heart tolerates activity
  • – The function of your heart and valves
  • – Your likelihood of having coronary artery disease
  • – The effectiveness of your cardiac treatment plan
  • – Whether the symptoms you are experiencing (i.e. chest pain or pressure, shortness of breath, unexplained fatigue, palpitations, lightheadedness, etc.) are caused by a blockage of your heart or other heart conditions.
  • – If you have already been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, a stress test may enable the doctor to estimate the severity of the blockages.
  • – If you have just undergone balloon angioplasty or bypass surgery, a stress test can help monitor the success of the procedure as well as determine an appropriate rehabilitation program for you.

Stress Echo Preparation

There are a few things you should and shouldn’t do prior to your appointment: (DOWNLOAD LINK)

How do I get ready for the test?

  • – Avoid caffeine on the morning of your test (including tea, soft drinks, chocolate, decaffeinated products, etc).
  • – Eat a light meal only.
  • – Do not drink alcohol.
  • – Do not smoke.
  • – Do not apply lotion or cream to the chest area.

Should I take my medications?

  • – Take all of your regular medications at their usual times. Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor.
  • – If you are diabetic and use insulin: Take half of your normal insulin dose on the day of your test. The exercise may lower your blood sugar levels. If you have any concerns or questions, please call the clinic or consult your family physician.

What should I bring with me?

  • – Your health card.
  • – Bring all of your current medications in their original bottles.

What should I wear?

  • – Wear a comfortable two-piece outfit and running shoes (For female patients: Please wear a bra or sports bra).

An electrocardiogram (also know as an ECG or EKG) is a quick and simple test that checks how your heart is functioning by measuring its’ electrical activity. The test results help us check for heart conditions.

Electrocardiogram Preparation:

  • – Do not apply lotion or cream to the chest area.

Learn more about Moose Jaw Cardiac Centre

Our highly qualified staff are dedicated, compassionate and will treat you like a member of our own family.